Monday, February 3, 2014

Indoor Beach Party

When I gave my husband this date gift, our date for January was an Indoor Beach Party Date. Last week we did it and had a blast! It is wintery and cold outside so spending the evening at the "beach" was really fun.

First, the decorations. I actually just went to the dollar store and put on my creative cap to find things that I could put a beach spin on (there was even sand in the craft section)! Other than that, decorations included a sun cut from a yellow poster board, swimsuits hanging on the wall, beach towels on the couch, and a picnic basket and ice bucket for the food and drinks. Oh yeah, and we wore our swimming suits and flip flops!

To set a beach-like mood, I had "On The Beach" playing on our TV. It was a movie type thing I found on Amazon Prime (it might be on Netflix or online too) that shows 10 minute clips of different beaches around the world. There is not music or anything, just the natural sounds of the beach! It was beautiful!

I had all of the above prepared before my husband got home. He loved it when he walked in!

For the food, we grilled hamburgers, and had chips, fruit salad and root beer on the side. Food that we would have taken to a real beach! We sat on our beach towels and ate.

For our activities, we made "sandcastles" (out of brown sugar), played beach volleyball (using a balloon), and played darts (mainly just because we have a dart board and love playing it together). It was so much fun laughing and playing together!

Now THAT is a look of concentration haha!


  1. I love this!! Do you do these after Hannah goes to sleep? We would have to whisper all night to not wake our little guy ;)

    1. Thanks Lizzie! Yes a lot of them we do after Hannah goes to sleep. We usually put on a fan or noise maker in her room to help keep the noise out. When we did this beach date we took Hannah over to a babysitter though!
